Comments on: Driving Automation Explained: Why (Existing) Teslas Will Never Get “There” And THAT's Good for YOU! Thu, 06 Jun 2024 16:17:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dong Ngo Sat, 25 May 2024 17:35:13 +0000 In reply to richard.

Please respect the comment rules, Richard. Maybe you should read and do your home work first before sharing anything-more here.

By: richard Sat, 25 May 2024 16:17:51 +0000 more info on why you probably should check your batteries before cruisin’ along {…}

By: Dong Ngo Tue, 04 Jan 2022 08:00:07 +0000 In reply to RobinT.

Sure, Robin. Your idea about those coaches is great, but it won’t work in the US. 🙂

By: RobinT Tue, 04 Jan 2022 06:30:18 +0000 Thanx Dong, good insight into so called self driving automation. Musk is a scandalous showman and is doing a great disservice to the concept of assisted driving by hyping up expectations way beyond what can safely be achieved/ Having said that, I nearly went on to do a PhD in motorway traffic control many years ago. Indeed the concepts I looked at have only recently last decade been implemented. Its all to do with regulating speed on a highway vs traffic density. Its well known that a highway has a maximum speed/density capacity. If its exceeded you get the phenomena of shock flow – stop start traffic jams for no apparent reason.
I have always felt that the so called outer fast lane of a 3 lane uk motorway was badly used leading to reckless driving behaviours. I would advocate using these lanes as a kind of road train system, where vehicles , coaches, haulage can be linked together by radar distance sensing separation and the speed of the train is controlled by a central monitoring station. You say 200ft for radar sensors so this would give say a limit of 60mph to allow for stopping distance.
Imagine a stream of dozens of VIP coaches invisibly tethered traveling between major city centers. These coaches could peel off and travel independently to sub terminals around the main city. So much cheaper and quicker to install than a fix high speed rail viz our disastrous HST2 coasting £100 billion. All this on repurposed highways. I hope this gives a snap shot of the failed vision (glad I didnt pursue that career, would have been a lifelong series of disappointments (political in construction lobby interference)

By: Dong Ngo Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:28:16 +0000 In reply to Dar.

The bot is a bit extreme but you got a point there, Dar.

By: Dar Mon, 03 Jan 2022 12:42:39 +0000 If attempting all cameras, a much more advanced camera setup is currently needed for the most safe level 5. More wipers, more washer fluid nozzles, more cameras to get angles like when emerging from tight side road. And a LCD glass outer layer to selectively mask sun and headlights.

Even then, the need for inspecting tires, taking car park tickets and removing hardened bird droppings may still prevent level 5 so also need a free Teslabot for those who bought “Full” Self Driving.

By: heffeque Mon, 27 Dec 2021 10:17:28 +0000 In reply to heffeque.

“We need a combo of multiple sensors working together via software. You might want to read the entire post.”

And which sensors would that be? I might be missing something, because I already explained why Sonar, Radar and LiDAR won’t be the ones that help achieve Level 5.

By: Dong Ngo Sun, 26 Dec 2021 22:39:46 +0000 In reply to heffeque.

You’re right. The camera is a must-have sensor, period. But like the other two, it, by itself can’t get to level 5, not even three. We need a combo of multiple sensors working together via software. You might want to read the entire post. 🙂

By: heffeque Sun, 26 Dec 2021 21:22:45 +0000 In reply to Dong Ngo.

Well… the thing is that Radar and LiDAR won’t actually help, and when most needed, they can actually be counterproductive.
Putting wipers in is something that can be done, and seems more like an aerodynamics choice.

If you do lose your cameras to dirt, Radar and LiDAR are basically useless, so autonomous driving will be disabled either way.
If you want to regain autonomous driving, stop the car somewhere safe, clean the cameras, and continue your journey.
Obviously that’s not level 5, but Sonar, Radar and LiDAR would definitely not help achieve level 5 in a situation with no cameras.

By: Dong Ngo Sun, 26 Dec 2021 18:53:52 +0000 In reply to heffeque.

Thanks for the input, Heff. I mentioned all of your points in the post. The issue with cameras is that they can be blocked. It’s raining/snowing season now, and I have experienced that multiple times in the past weeks.

To be reliable, at the very least, each camera needs a wiper.

For safety reasons, RADAR and LIDAR will help, but it’s always a matter of how they are used.
