Comments on: Asus ROG Rapture GT-BE98 Pro Review (vs. Netgear RS700S): An Excellent Next-Gen Top-tier Gaming Router And THAT's Good for YOU! Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:49:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dong Ngo Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:38:50 +0000 In reply to Chris.

Per Asus, the GT-BE98 Pro will get AFC sometimes this year via firmware supposedly. Nope, still not great time to mix but if you do, make sure you use the latest firmware and turn off MLO and the combo will likely work well. Be aware of the fact Wi-Fi 7 has little tolerance for legacy clients (Wi-Fi 5 and older) and set up your SSIDs’ security accordingly.

By: Chris Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:38:20 +0000 Hi Dong! I recently bought the GT-BE98 Pro and set it up on the middle floor of my 3 floor Brooklyn brownstone built in 1910. I’m not getting great coverage on the 6G band, which didn’t surprise me, so after reading your review of the ZenWiFi BQ16 Pro I went ahead and bought that set, as well! I saw in that review that it’s “not yet time” to mix these two to make the ultimate mesh. Is that still the case? Should I mothball the BE98 for now and just use the BQ16 Pro set? Let’s assume for now that I can’t run ethernet through my house for now (future project) so I’ll only have wireless backhaul. And the BE98 has to be hidden in a closet because my wife doesn’t want that monster spider out in the open, whereas it’ll be no problem to have the BQ16s fairly out in the open – much closer to line-of-sight. If things HAVE changed and you think the three will play well together, which should be the master? Client-wise, we have a few phones and laptops and a Quest 3 that are at least 6E-capable and expect to be upgrading some more A/V items, so this is partly a future-proofing exercise/giant outlay of cash. Thanks in advance, and thanks for everything you’ve taught me in all my years of lurking!

By: Dong Ngo Wed, 15 May 2024 17:58:12 +0000 In reply to thomwithah.

Yes. That’s generally how MLO works. Thanks for the input, Thom.

By: thomwithah Wed, 15 May 2024 17:54:10 +0000 In reply to Jesse.

I’m running the BE98 Pro on (latest current public firmware as of today 05-15-20204), ET12 on, and GT-AXE16000 on I am able to use all bands on all devices as part of Smart Connect.

However, each device is limited to its own native SSID broadcast count limit. In other words, the mesh nodes can’t do as many SSIDs for things like guest networks (with MLO) as the BE98 pro. That said, they are all able to utilize all their bands for the same SSID and at least 1 additional. MLO can be even be used on the BE98 Pro as part of a MESH network while the other other devices don’t support MLO but are broadcasting the same SSID on all bands

IDK if this is a firmware change, but I suspect it is. It may be worth going in to see if you can update firmware and set up a 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz-1, 5 GHz-2, 6 GHz-1, and 6 GHz-2 configuration (if it didn’t happen automatically) if you’re interested in that.

By: Dong Ngo Mon, 06 May 2024 04:56:53 +0000 In reply to Z.

The BQ16 is not avaible yet, Z. You can wait for that or you can get two GT-BE98 Pro units or one and another RT-BE96U and build an AiMesh system out of them. Good luck!

By: Z Mon, 06 May 2024 04:50:05 +0000 Hey Dong,

Thanks for your articles; they’re detailed and really narrow down the technical specs/capabilities which is what I appreciate a lot.
I’m way overdue for a router upgrade, and since it’s being a while, I want to get the latest and hopefully it’ll be relevant for at least several years. Our house is setup in a way that I’d need a 2nd AP otherwise reception at one end is pretty crappy. So I’ve been looking at the Asus GT-BE98-Pro, but since my current routers are netgear, I would need a different ASUS to act as the 2nd AP (with wired backhaul). Given that, I was wondering how the ZenWifi BQ16 would fare given it comes with a pair out of the box? I do work from home and require good (wifi) latency for some of my work, but it doesn’t need to be “online fighting game” level of latency. Would you recommend BE98 and another Asus as AP (and if so which would you recommend)? Or would the BQ16 be a good option as well (I noticed you haven’t done that review in depth, wondering what your thoughts for that are as well)?


By: Dong Ngo Wed, 01 May 2024 03:17:19 +0000 ]]> In reply to Scott.


By: Scott Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:46:12 +0000 In reply to Dong Ngo.

Thank you, I really appreciate that

By: Dong Ngo Tue, 30 Apr 2024 20:04:03 +0000 In reply to Scott.

Generally, Scott, all Asus routers are mesh units. They all support AiMesh. But you’ll find purpose-built Wi-Fi 7 hardware from Asus in a matter of months. I’d stay away from Netgear. You can start with the GT-BE98 Pro now. It alone might be enough but you can also keep using the current AP with it.

By: Scott Tue, 30 Apr 2024 19:49:36 +0000 I desperately need to upgrade my WiFi (Currently using a Netgear Xr700 (main router with PPPOE login) with Nighthawk R8000 as AP via wired connection to the basement), I am highly considering changing over to Asus with Netgears subscription changes and I figured I would go big since it has been so long since I have upgraded my WiFi. Initially looking at the Orbi 970, but would it be overkill if I went with 3 of these units and put 2 of them into AiMesh mode? Can I start with one unit as wireless backhaul until I can run cable and the other as wired backhaul? I am not seeing other Asus WiFi 7 mesh units… yet
